Coaching Adapted for Your business 

Finding affordable, reliable coaching in this day in age is almost impossible. 
It's dicey, confusing, and we get it.

 We've been in the coaching industry for over 7 years and personally have invest $50 000 we've heard and seen it all. 

There has to be a better way and there is 

Say hello to 

My signature S.C.A.L.E method + high accountability program will take you 

from stressed out, lost and inconsistent months
confident, organized and ready to scale!


The 5-Figure Framework






Hey, I'm Jordan-Lynn a productivity business coach with a passion for socials here to help service providers GROW!

Your business strategist bestie that works right beside you, to allow you to work systematically and smarter within your business so you can ditch the guessing game!

But things haven't always been this way... 

Just a few years ago I was working over 20 hours per day! I was working at the gym, as a server and trying to start my online fitness empire!! I constantly felt like I was making NO traction. scowering social media for leads, downloading every freebie and crying to my mother about how I wasn't going to make it.

One day I decided enough was enough. I took out a 10,000 dollar loan and invested in my first business coach. I finally felt I was a part of something and things were going to change... 

Well they didn't change over night but within 6 months I was fully training online and after 2 years I am now dedicated to helping service providers do the same thing!

So, Who the HECK am I?!

Jordan knows her shit and you will feel full confidence in yourself and your business. She's beside you the whole way."

One of the best programs I have been in. So happy I made this investment.

Alex. A

Professional Dancer 

Get ready to discover how OSP's  just like you are FINALLY making REAL progress in their businesses, attracting dream clients and living their BEST LIVES!

Ready to Create the Business of Your Dreams?

Some Major Final Things to Think About

You do NOT want to be in the same place a year from now... 

To 100% ensure that isn't going to happen is by TAKING ACTION

It's about incredibly inperfect action, investing in your dreams and going for what you really want. 

Isn't it really time for you to take hold of your business instead of playing a guessing game in one of the fastest moving industries?

You could so much closer to your dream life by taking action TODAY! 

So what do you say... 

Are you ready to take a chance on your dreams?